Co-Existence of Design and Technology : ru-baa-ru
Co-Existence of Design and Technology : ru-baa-ru
Co-Existence of Design and Technology : ru-baa-ru
There is a complex interplay between design, technology and humans which creates an impact on every individual who has accommodated these changes. Human experiences add uniqueness and diversity, which adds identity and character to these formed artefacts and systems and also impact their experience with constant changes and time. Ru-baa-ru is a repository of lived experiences to understand the co- existence of design and technology.
There is a complex interplay between design, technology and humans which creates an impact on every individual who has accommodated these changes. Human experiences add uniqueness and diversity, which adds identity and character to these formed artefacts and systems and also impact their experience with constant changes and time. Ru-baa-ru is a repository of lived experiences to understand the co- existence of design and technology.